XV Conference "Mathematical models and numerical methods in Biology and Medicine"
From November 1 to November 3, 2023, the XV conference "Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine" was held in Moscow. The conference was organized by the G. I. Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Sechenov University and was devoted to mathematical modeling in cardiology, immunology, oncology, epidemiology, systems biology, sports, pharmacology, diagnostic methods (ultrasound, ECG, MRI, electroimpedance), computational hemodynamics, computational biomechanics, etc.
Within the conference, the head of the Mathematical Modeling Sector, Y. R. Narcissov, and researcher O. A. Zagubnaya made presentations.
List of reports:
- Y. R. Nartsissov
The effect of symmetry of capillary bifurcations on the formation of trophic changes in violation of blood circulation in the neurovascular unit
- O. A. Zagubnaya
Simulation of convective diffusion of a neurotransmitter illustrated by a 3D model of an isolated glutamatergic synapse